environmental groups and social justice groups - Australian directory

Melbourne Anarchist Club

The Melbourne Anarchist Club is a space and a group of individuals who aim to promote the ideas of anarchism. Anarchism is both a political philosophy and a social movement. As a social movement, anarchism aims to create a classless, non-hierarchical society; that is, a society without rulers (anarchy). As a political philosophy, anarchism maintains that the creation of such a society is both possible and desirable.

We run a bookshop and a library and host regular meetings and public events such as reading groups and films. Come along or signup to our Google group list.


Melbourne Farmers Markets

Our farmers' markets are dedicated to Victorian food and producers, regional food cultures, seasonal produce, biodiversity, sustainable farming practices and the strengthening of relationships between the consumer and the producer. Shopping at Melbourne Farmers' Markets means you guarantee your money goes directly back to the farmer. No middle man. No supermarket contracts. At the markets you'll find seasonal, organic and heirloom varieties of fruit and veggies, organic, free range and rare breed meats, farmhouse dairy, artisan bread, olive and seed oils, preserves, antipasto, honey, jams, sauces, chutneys, dried fruit, mayonnaise and the likes…

Find a local market on the website and take a look at all the foodie events.


Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute

The Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute (MSSI), aims to facilitate and enable research linkages, projects and conversations leading to increased understanding of sustainability and resilience trends, challenges and solutions. The MSSI approach includes a particular emphasis on the contribution of the social sciences and humanities to understanding and addressing sustainability and resilience challenges. We are hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning, at the University of Melbourne.

MSSI regularly hosts free events such as public lectures, seminars, workshops with guest speakers on topics that aline with our research. Sign up to receive updates.


Minus 18 is Australia's Largest Youth Led Organisation for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Youth. At Minus18, we aim to improve the lives of same sex attracted and gender diverse (SSAGD) youth; to empower them, connect them with others and help them understand themselves. We do this through social events, resource production, partnering with other community groups, and awareness raising. Each year our events and projects reach more than 60,000 youth right across Australia.

Minus18 is run by over 30 youth volunteers and staff aged between 14 to 25 years old. To find out more about volunteer positions available send us an email. After your application is reviewed, and if successful, you will then be invited to attend crew training, and volunteer at events.


Moorabool Environment Group

The Moorabool Shire has a population of around 27,000 people and includes the towns of Bacchus Marsh, Ballan and 40 other small communities. The biggest issue facing MEG and the Moorabool community is the brown coal exploration license held by Mantle Mining that includes plans to establish a 1 to 2 billion tonne open cut brown coal mine in Bacchus Marsh. Check out our fantastic 5 minute documentary on some of this issues we are facing. Other activities we create and participate in include: providing the community with information on home harvest, solar power, and impacts of coal mining on health; running local produce dinners and gardening workshops and monthly produce swaps; and tree planting with friends groups.

Come along to a MEG monthly meeting (dates are in the calendar on our website) to get involved in the campaign to stop the Mantle Mining coal mine or join our mailing list to keep up to date about MEG activities and public forums.

My Green World

My Green World is an organisation that works with charities around the world to conserve wildlife, promote animal welfare and design unique education programs by developing a range of initiatives that assist in raising the profile of education and wildlife conservation; revolutionising the way the public connects with charities. We mobilise and educate the masses through a mobile game application and a volunteer program. These initiatives are supplemented by our website, social media, educational material, and public speaking seminars.

International volunteers play a crucial role in sustaining our partner charities’ important work. Depending on your background, you will be tasked with assisting in the day-to-day upkeep of the charity program. We welcome volunteers from all over the world, with all sorts of skills and interests. Send us an email or check out our website for more information about your next life-changing adventure.



MyEnvironment is a hub for the latest information on community projects, science, environmental philanthropy, environmental law and green design in Australia. We bring people and ideas together for the conservation of Australia’s natural places through science, law, design and the community. We brought to government attention many breaches by VicForests (state run logging company), problems with management and unlawful logging activity and have successfully protected parts of the Central Highlands including habitat for the endangered ledbeaters possum. We have taken VicForests to the Supreme court over logging of endangered species habitat.

We are campaigning for a Giant Forest National Park to save the last remnants of old growth forest in the Central Highlands.

No to Homophobia

No To Homophobia is a partnership between human rights and anti-violence groups and is the first campaign of its kind to be broadcast on mainstream national television. The campaign aims to challenge all forms of harassment and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people, whether in the workplace or in social situations. The campaign aims to reduce the incidence of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic harassment in Victoria (and beyond) by empowering both LGBTIQ people and the broader community to respond to and speak out against this harassment.

If you or someone you know has been subject to homophobic harassment, or if you have witnessed an incident of homophobic harassment, you can do something about it. Make the promise to stop homophobia, find support and find out how to take action. Harassment is a community issue that affects everyone. Whether you are gay, lesbian, trans, bisexual or straight and whether you are receiving or witnessing harassment we encourage you to take action and stop the harm.

New South Wales
Northern Territory
Western Australia
South Australia
lutruwita (Tasmania)

North Coast Environment Council

Formed in 1976 and 100% volunteer run, NCEC is the peak umbrella environment group in northern NSW. covering the area from the Hunter to the Tweed and west to the New England Highway. We also actively support other campaigns further afield. Our members and office-bearers work around the region, often travelling large distances to assist others as we organise in our defence of the environment and the communities it sustains. We rely on donations and the efforts of our members and volunteers to remain effective.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to assist us with our work, we guarantee plenty of bang for your buck. Post us a message to this site and we will get back to you.

New South Wales

North East Forest Alliance

NEFA has been protecting old growth forests in North East NSW for over 21 years through community campaigns and direct action. The NSW Government is now proposing gutting the existing protections for threatened species and prescriptions to stop excessive erosion, while removing protection for heritage, and from grazing and other uses. They are intending removing restrictions on clearfelling and logging on excessively steep slopes. It will be open season on exclusion areas already identified for threatened species and Endangered Ecological Communities will be up for logging. This will be a disaster for north-east NSW's public lands, the extent of which will only fully be revealed by the EPA’s detailed plans in a couple of months.

Check the NEFA website for action alerts, submissions and an incredibly comprehensive news archive of NSW forest coverage. Get involved in community campaigns in specific regions.

New South Wales

North West Environment Centre & Organic Garden

The mission of the NWEC is to inspire a new perspective on our relationship with the environment and each other so that we may all act to create a socially harmonious and ecologically sustainable future. We are based on the north west coast of Tasmania and our projects run across this area. Our peaceful community garden on Ironcliffe Rd, Penguin, home of the Organic and Sustainable Living Festival is the Headquarters of the NWEC. We deliver a great range of workshops and events at this venue. Other projects include community food collaboration and transition training.

We love volunteers! We’re a registered volunteer organisation, so get involved, improve our community and expand your skills! Our Organic Community Garden has a working bee from 10am-12pm every Wednesday, followed by a cuppa and a chat. For more info see our Organic Community Garden page, email us or simply turn up at 207 Ironcliffe Road, Penguin, at 10am next Wednesday!

lutruwita (Tasmania)

NSW Wildlife, Rescue, Information & Education Service

WIRES is a volunteer based, native animal rescue organisation. WIRES was established in 1985, when an injured Ibis was found in the heart of Sydney, in Hyde Park. No organisation, government or conservation group could take responsibility for its rescue or care. WIRES has developed a comprehensive animal database that records information on types of animals, injuries and fates and locations for rescue and release. Currently there are more than 2,000 WIRES volunteers authorised to rescue, rehabilitate and release.

If you are over 18 in NSW you might be able to join WIRES as a volunteer rescuer and carer. Training starts with the compulsory Rescue and Immediate Care Course, covering policies, licensing, animal identification, rescue and first aid. Experts also provide specialist training courses and set standards of care in areas such as macropods, flying foxes, reptiles, birds of prey (raptors), and possums. Register here to receive WIRES volunteering updates and information about upcoming training courses.

For emergency native animal rescue please call 1300 094 737 or report by email at http://bit.ly/Report-a-rescue

New South Wales

Nuclear Operations Watch Port Adelaide

NOW PA is a coalition of several groups interested in keeping people informed on nuclear activities in the Port Adelaide area, especially the transport of uranium oxide 'yellowcake' through the Port. The coalition includes: Port Adelaide Resident’s Environment Protection Group, Communist Party Of Australia, Friends of the Earth Adelaide, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

Check out our website for the latest updates on the activities of the nuclear industry in Port Adelaide. Join us in actions to raise awareness. Send us an email to get involved.

South Australia

Open Table

Open Table is based on two key ideas — reducing food waste and meeting the neighbours. We use surplus food to create wholesome community feasts, bringing together people from all walks of life. We cook nutritious feasts using salvaged produce surplus food from local businesses and community gardens. Increasingly, we are seeing how flawed the food system in Australia is, and this is one small action to make a positive change and have conversations about how to live sustainably. Coming together over a meal is a brilliant opportunity to talk about shared experiences of place, food and culture. We hope to create stronger understanding and appreciation for our diverse community, and also to provide the opportunity to strengthen social skills for everyone wishing to participate more fully in our community.

Open Table exists thanks to the energy, time and ideas contributed entirely by volunteers. If you are interested in donating your time or skills, please get in touch. You can drop by and say hello on a weekend, or email if you would like to get serious about it.


Organic Federation of Australia

The Organic Federation of Australia (OFA) was established in 1998 as the peak body for the organic industry in Australia. Our role is to work in co-operation with all sectors of industry and government to develop the Australian Organic Industry from a niche industry into a major component of Australian agriculture and deliver benefits to consumers, producers and the Australian environment. The OFA fulfills a unifying national role for the organic industry by representing the interests of Australia's organic and biodynamic producers to industry and governments at the local, state and federal level. The OFA does not certify farmers. Our role is to work with all of the organic industry to further our common aims

Find organic markets and other events through the OFA website.


Otway Ranges Environment Network

Clearfell logging and woodchipping of all native forest on public land in the Otways is now banned and illegal. After a seven year community campaign driven by the Otway Ranges Environment Network (OREN 1995 - 2002) followed by a six year phase out period (2002-2008), the last truck load of trees for export woodchips was removed in May 2008. After the November 2002 Victorian State election, priority was given to immediately ban clearfell logging in the Geelong water supply catchments and high conservation forests on the south face of the Otways. Before 2002, clearfell logging for woodchips was planned to occur across all the Otways under a Regional Forest Agreement until at least the year 2020. A total ban on Otway woodchipping is unprecedented. The Otways represents the only high rainfall tall forest region in Australia, where an existing and well established native forest woodchip industry for both the domestic (to make Kleenex tissues) and export markets has been totally removed.

Check out the OREN website to see how a successful forest campaign was run.


Our Strathbogie Forest

Help us stop planned burns killing hundreds of greater gliders. Following a successful campaign to protect our forests from logging, we have now launched a legal challenge against the State of Victoria to halt several planned burns in the Strathbogie Forest. We desperately need your financial help to fund the legal costs of the court case. If the case is successful, it might reduce or stop planned burns in areas critical to the survival of endangered species like the Greater Glider, not just in the Strathbogies, but likely across Victoria and Australia.

It is well known that the Strathbogie Forest in north-east Victoria is a stronghold for the endangered Greater Glider.

Please donate to our chuffed campaign, help spread the word and come and see this beautiful forest. Take part in one of the most successful citizen science campaigns in Victoria.

Taungurung Country


We’ve been fighting poverty and injustice for more than 50 years. But what exactly does this mean? Poor people can take control, solve their own problems, and rely on themselves – with the right support. We fund long-term projects around the world and work in a range of areas, from water and sanitation to education and health, to bring about positive change in people’s lives. Poverty isn’t just about lack of resources. In a wealthy world it’s about bad decisions made by powerful people. We form part of a global movement of people committed to achieving a fairer world by: encouraging action for change by individuals, partnering with organisations and government to change policy, and empowering communities in developing countries to realise their rights. We also provide aide during emergencies and prepare people for future crisis.

To get involved, volunteer with us, take part in one of many community events, buy fair trade at an Oxfam shop or online, take action on specific issues and learn how to campaign through our website.

New South Wales
Western Australia
South Australia
lutruwita (Tasmania)


Permablitz (noun): An informal gathering involving a day on which a group of at least two people come together to achieve the following: create or add to edible gardens where someone lives; share skills related to permaculture and sustainable living; build community networks and have fun. Permablitzes are free events, open to the public, with free workshops, shared food, where you get some exercise and have a wonderful time. To be defined as a permablitz each event must also be preceded by a permaculture design by a designer with a Permaculture Design Certificate. The network runs on reciprocity, and in order to qualify for a permablitz you usually need to come to some first, although there can be exceptions in this case.

Getting involved is easy. Sign up to the Melbourne Permablitz Newsletter to stay in the loop about upcoming blitzes and courses. Or just come back here regularly and look out for upcoming blitzes on the calendar. You'll get dates and addresses, and then you can just show up, or RSVP where asked. There are regional groups all over Australia and internationally too, or you can start your own.

New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia

Places You Love Alliance

The Places You Love alliance started as a fight to save the laws that protect nature. Now we have expanded our ambition, looking to galvanise the nature loving Australian community to stand up for nature. We are building a movement of people from across the community that exercise social and political power to stand up for nature. Australians are deeply connected to nature in a multitude of ways, and beautiful natural places are part of our national identity.

Sign up to our email list and receive campaign updates, news and information on upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.

Port Adelaide Residents Environment Protection Group

The Port Adelaide Residents Environment Protection Group has been active in Port Adelaide for over 20 years. The group has interests in the natural, social and built environments of the Port Adelaide area. Current campaigns include lobbying the government to turn Saltfields into an international bird sanctuary and protecting the cities green spaces and coast from inappropriate development.

Come to our monthly meeting click here for more details

South Australia

Port Philip Citizens for Reconciliation

PPCFR began in 1997 as a response from local residents concerned about Prime Minister John Howard's lack of compassion and interest in saying sorry. It lead to a public forum that attracted a big crowd. We are committed to ensuring our community has the opportunity to walk together with Aboriginal people towards reconciliation, recognising that information, understanding and community discussion are integral to the process. Activities include monthly meetings, often with guest speakers, free public events, film screenings, and writing competitions targeting schools. We are involved in Sorry Day, The Jackson St Festival, BlakArts, St Kilda Festival and support Koori endeavours such as Winja Ulupna, Galiamble and Our Rainbow Place.

We meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Get in touch and come along to a meeting or one of our events.


Project Respect

Project Respect is a non-profit, feminist, community-based organisation, that aims to empower and support women in the sex industry, including women trafficked to Australia. Project Respect does not rescue or save women, but works with them by providing specialist. non-judgemental outreach and individual support. The Project Respect team is made up of a diverse team who believe women matter and who are committed to supporting women in the sex industry. This includes women who have been, or still are involved in the sex industry holding positions throughout the organisation. We are working towards a world where women are free from trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation.

Please subscribe to our mailing list or check this page to be kept informed of when we are seeking new volunteers. Project Respect asks for a 12-month commitment from volunteers of one day per week and usually runs a Volunteer Information Night in April/May.

Public Transport Users Association

Founded in 1976 as the Train Travellers Association, the Public Transport Users Association is the recognised consumer organisation representing passengers of all forms of public transport. We lobby governments and public transport authorities in the interest of all users of public transport, work with other bodies and through the media to promote public transport and educate the community about the benefits of sustainable transport policies and undertake research into transport policies which will improve services and make Melbourne and regional Victoria a better place in which to live. The PTUA is committed to a sustainable economy, a healthy ecology and an equitable society.

We are a volunteer run organisation and the office is not always staffed so the best way to get in touch to become involved is email.


Quit Coal

Quit Coal is a collective campaigning against the expansion of the coal Building new coal infrastructure means many more decades of dirty, old technology, when we should be moving towards clean, renewable energy. We use a range of tactics to let the broader Victorian community know about plans for new coal projects in Victoria, and pressure our government to stop investing in them. We focus on being strategic, creative, and as much as possible, fun! We hold rallies and public forums, do outreach at festivals and community events, lobby politicians, and speak to the media. We also take peaceful direct action – from creative street theatre to office occupations, and many things in between.

We are a volunteer run collective that is committed to non-violence. We are a rapidly growing, open and inclusive community group. Come to a meeting or
contact us to get involved.



The Active groups directory lists over one hundred independent community based environmental groups and social justice groups working for real social change. Use the search menus above to find out about the people taking action and creating a better world and how you can join them.

Throughout history, significant gains for human rights, social justice and environmental protection has come about because of the pressure generated by concerned groups of people talking up, standing up and taking action.

The power of this collective voice in Australia has resulted in the creation of our National Parks, the prevention of the damming of our rivers, the refusal of radioactive waste dumps, the closing of uranium mines on sacred land, and the ongoing struggle for Indigenous sovereignty.

Social change is achieved with diversity of tactics and channels starting from the grass roots up. From the actions of each individual, to groups of friends, community groups, non-government organisations, government and finally industry, we can change the world.

Different groups work in very different ways. The way that you like to work with people and the level of involvement you want will determine how much satisfaction you get out of a particular group.

If you don't find the group that works for you the first time, don't give up! There are lots of groups working in different ways. If there's no group that's focusing on what you care about, consider starting it up.

The reason Margaret Meade's quote is used over and over again is because it's true.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Add your environmental group or social justice group to the directory.

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